'Tree People' provides a comprehensive picture of the traditional beliefs of our ancestors concerning trees and forests and of the remnants of this tradition that Finns still carry within them. 'Tree People' describes what trees can offer people besides game animals and utility articles or raw material for industry.
Why I publish "Puiden kansa" in Japan?
If someone asks me “Which book will you take to the other world if you have to choose only one?,” I will answer “I will bring Puiden kansa”. This book contains everything about past, present, and future; people and nature; living and the dead; the visible and the invisible.
There is a traditional culture in which people form deep relationship with trees in Japan, as in Finland. However, this culture is in decline in modern economic development.
This book will show Japanese people that this culture is not something isolated but it is actually very universal. Knowing this fact, I believe, will encourage Japanese people.
Shohei Shibata, a translater of this book
25 € incl. shipping in Finland
We Published Famous Finnish Book
"Tree People (Puiden kansa)" in Japan
Japanese Title: 「フィンランド・森の精霊と旅をする」
ISBN 978-4-903971-01-8
Authors: Ritva Kovalainen & Sanni Seppo
Translated by Shohei Shibata, Advised by Mihoko Ueyama
ASIA Documentary Productions